viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Sons of Liberty

 Sons of Liberty was a club formed that had a very strong frase or motto, It said "Join or Die". The members got into the homes of the tax collectors and beat them and burned their homes.The British sent 40,000 soldiers to help the tax collectors which didnt help alot since the sons of liberty outnumbered them.Traders smuggled goods in and out of their towns to keep from paying the British taxes.
Their leader was Samuel Adams, they were mainly in the cities of Boston, New York and Providence.
Adams became the tax collector of Boston. When he founded the Sons of Liberty, he became a leader. On March 5, 1770, a mob surrounded ten British soldiers, who panicked and fired the mob, killing five men. Samuel Adams termed the incident a "massacre".

The Sons of Liberty consisted of traders, lawyers, and prosperous artisans. They organized the lower classes such as sailors, dockworkers, poor artisans, apprentices, and servants. In every colonial city, mobs fighting by the name of the Sons of Liberty burned stamp collectors, insulted them on the streets, tore down their offices, and attacked their homes. All stamp agents in the colonies, had quitted their jobs before the Stamp Act officially became law on November 1, 1765.

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